Here are some preposition and some of their usages :
- Month : in March
- Season : in Winter
- Country : in Indonesia
- City or town names : in Palangkaraya
- Times of the day : in the morning
On Saturday, on New Year's Day, on March 20, on the weekend, etc.
At school, at 7 O'clock, at night.
- Preposition In: use 'in' with periods of times and places
- Month : in March
- Season : in Winter
- Country : in Indonesia
- City or town names : in Palangkaraya
- Times of the day : in the morning
- Preposition On: use 'on' with specific days.
On Saturday, on New Year's Day, on March 20, on the weekend, etc.
- Preposition At: use 'at' with specific time and place
At school, at 7 O'clock, at night.